My Top Tips for a Fresh Start to 2022

I always love the beginning of a new year, as it’s the perfect time to press reset and start afresh. Plus, by changing old habits, you get to set realistic goals and make yourself a priority so that you can start living a happier and healthier life.  With all the added emphasis on health these days there is no better time to make better choices. Here are my 5 top tips for a healthy new you!


Love it or hate it, dry January has become a bit of a tradition in our household, and this year in particular I was actually looking forward to it as it instantly forces you to break the Wine OClock routine adopted over Xmas and NYE.  More importantly taking a break from drinking alcohol gives you so many positive side affects:

  1. More energy
  2. Better sleep patterns
  3. Reduction in mood swings
  4. You invariably eat healthier
  5. Therefore end up more productive
  6. And lose weight


Debbie Lash Photo 2


It’s absolutely possible to turn dreams into reality.  It’s called manifestation.  Well, that and hard work!  It’s not something that happens overnight but it begins with planting the seeds, setting your intentions and then taking active steps towards making those ideas come to life.  It’s a visual representation of your goals.  Each year I create a new board and it always fascinating to discover what I successfully manifest, and then in turn what things are needed to carry over to the new year.





If you are wanting to find news way to change and grow then learn something new.  Learning new skills improves your quality of life, boosts your self-esteem and gives you a real sense of purpose.  It activates the release of the ‘feel-good’ chemical dopamine in the brain and helps you cope with the stress and strain of everyday life, whilst increasing your energy levels and immunity.  When I did my yoga teacher training in LA, little did I know back then how it would change the course of my life for the better.  This year I have committed myself to knuckling down to learn Spanish.


Although its nice to eat out there is no denying that if you want to lose weight (and eat healthy) then home made is always the best option. Food cooked at home is usually prepared in a healthier way, as you are in total control of the ingredients.

It’s super important to know what is in your food and unfortunately there are so many hidden oils, fats, sodium, flavorings, colorants and sugar in restaurant food, therefore, you may think that you are eating the healthy option but often all is not what it seems.  Keep it exciting by trying new recipes or enroll in a cooking course.  As a health coach I have taught many of my clients how to cook, which has empowered them to take back control of their health.


A good few years ago I enjoyed completing the Jason Vales 7 day detox as a New Year’s reboot, which I have to admit was very challenging but very effective.  It totally curbed my sugar cravings, I lost weight and after a few days I felt great. However, these days all my body really needs is one green juice or smoothie per day, and if I want to shed a few pounds, I stop eating carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice and potatoes) and all I’ll have for breakfast is a matcha tea and a green juice.

Drinking a green juice everyday is an easier way to give your body the vegetables and fruit it needs, but this doesn’t mean you can skip eating your steamed veg or salads during meals – it is vital that you still get the fibre from these foods.

If you feel like you want to make some healthy changes in 2022 but unsure where to start or feel stuck then I can help you.  Book a free consultation with me by visiting my website or contacting me via instagram or facebook.  You can also find me teaching at Earth Yoga in Santa Catalina and Portals. Cheers!

Debbie Lash



Instagram: @debbielashyoga

Facebook:  Debbielashyoga

YouTube:    Debbielashyoga





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