A very happy New Year to you all!
Many people suffer from defective colour vision. The new MCA regulations are very significant in developing and maintaining a career at sea.
On 22 November 2016, at the Approved Doctors Seminar in London, the MCA again revised the ENG Assessment deck restrictions (reproduced in italics below):
“Deck cadets with defective colour vision will be Category 4 (Permanently Unfit for sea service).
All other deck department seafarers/ratings/yacht personnel with defective colour vision are to be given the restriction: “Not fit for lookout duties at night. Not eligible for MCA Deck COC or Rating certification”
This is in addition to ticking NO in the “Fit for lookout duties” box on the certificate, and Yes in the “Colour Vision: Defective” box. An ENG 3 should be issued.
Deck seafarers who already hold an ENG 1 with a colour vision restriction MUST be issued with the new restriction, as normal colour vision is an international requirement, as laid down in STCW.
If an employer confirms that a seafarer cannot continue in their employment with the new restriction (when they could be employed with their previous ENG 1 restriction) then you may discuss with MCA. This is not a valid route if the seafarer is simply unhappy with a change and the employer has not been consulted.
For all other colour defective seafarers the restrictions remain the same, as follows:
Security officers: “No navigational lookout duties”
This is in addition to ticking NO in the “Fit for lookout duties” box on the certificate, and Yes in the “Colour Vision: Defective” box. An ENG 3 should be issued.
Engineers, Electro-Technical Officers: “Not fit for work with colour coded cables etc.”
For use in colour vision defective engine department applicants unable to pass City University or Farnsworth D15 test.
This is in addition to ticking NO in the “Fit for lookout duties” box on the certificate, and Yes in the “Colour Vision: Defective” box. An ENG 3 should be issued.
Other candidates e.g. catering, entertainers, hotel etc. with no look out duties:
No restriction required… NO in the “Fit for lookout duties” box on the certificate, and Yes in the “Colour Vision: Defective” box. An ENG 3 does not need to be issued as no restriction is needed.”
In the “Newsletter for MCA Approved Doctors” (Issue 41 – June 2016) the MCA gave forewarning of a change in the method of assessing colour vision when the Ishihara plate (book) testing has not been completed adequately (reproduced in italics below):
“For deck seafarers, the current method of confirmatory testing is the Holmes Wright B Lantern test… the MCA has undertaken research into a new way of providing confirmatory testing for deck seafarers. For now, the HWB continues to be the standard, and prior to any change we will be amending the AD Manual and sending you further information as to how to arrange testing.” https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/527470/FINAL_report_Colour_vision_testing.pdf
At the Approved Doctors Seminar last November, the MCA revealed that the “Colour Assessment and Diagnostic Test (CAD)” will be phased in and replace the Holmes Wright Lantern B test. This is a computer-based assessment, which basically involves colours moving top or bottom, left or right. Research has demonstrated that the degree of colour defect can be quantified using this assessment tool.
The MCA was adamant that, to ensure the quality of testing, MCA approved centres would only be available in the UK. The test will be in several optometrist settings, but the locations have yet to be published. Unlike the Holmes Wright Lantern B test, candidates will be allowed to undertake as many tests as they would like over the years; each will be stored and compared.
CLUB DE MAR MEDICAL RESPONSE: We at Club de Mar Medical completely appreciate that it can be extremely difficult and expensive (in time and money) for several passport holders to get to the UK to undertake the MCA accredited definitive colour test. Thus, we intend to purchase the CAD; our service will be conducted under the same strict conditions and will give an individuals/ owners/ management companies a good understanding of whether the candidate would be likely to “pass” in the UK – thereby hopefully helping! Initially our testing will NOT be MCA accredited (so travel to the UK will remain necessary). However, over time and as we prove to the MCA that our test results are in line with their accredited centres, we hope this will change.
MEDICAL ROOMS: Our new premises continue to undergo refurbishment and we now have a number of practice rooms to rent, do get in touch with us to come and view!
TRAINING ROOM: Our spacious and up to date Training Room also can be rented.
16 January EFA Elementary First Aid
16 January MFA Medical First Aid
23 January MC Proficiency in Medical Care on Board Ship
13 February EFA Elementary First Aid
13 February MFA Medical First Aid
20 February MC Proficiency in Medical Care on Board Ship
06 March MC Proficiency in Medical Care on Board Ship
03 April MC Proficiency in Medical Care on Board Ship
VACCINATIONS: We are truly Passionate about Prevention!! We encourage and urge everyone to keep up-to-date with their vaccinations. For those of you who intend to spend the winter in Palma, this could be the perfect opportunity to ensure you have the time to complete the immunization schedules. Do you work with sewerage or regularly clean up blood? If so, are you Hepatitis B immune? The schedule of 3 vaccinations takes a minimum of 1 month to complete. Plan, and let us know so we can ensure we have what you need in stock.