Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds :
1,2,3,4 A.B.S
Geek or Lizard crawls
Bear crawls
Elbow plank
Spiderman plank
Suicide push ups/ plank
As many rounds as possible.
Better still if you have a challenge you want for your boat or your body then drop us a line . We pride ourselves in trying to keep the yachting fraternity fit through our constantly changing workouts. If we don´t have it then please ask us. To satisfy your demands (provided they are sensible) is our mission wherever possible.
Watch out for my new cookery book soon to hit the shops – complete with a menu, shopping list and recipe planner.
Easy to follow step by step highly nutritious recipes , to ensure your meals are healthy and easy to make whilst keeping you slim, trim and bursting with energy. Please let me know if you would be interested in a copy ?
Everyone is talking about Chia seeds. High in Omega 3, they are very beneficial for athletes and fantastic brain food. They also help to keep you in ketosis (fat burning mode) , You can soak them overnight for a sports drink or use in desserts or morning breakfast. High in EFA ( Essential Fatty Acids) and ALA ( Alpha Linoleum Acid ), vitamin B, fibre and antioxidants. They are also slow digesting and filling.
3 tablespoons of chia seeds
3/4 cup of unsweetened coconut milk or homemade almond milk
pinch of quality vanilla
pinch of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of stevia powder if you prefer some sweetness
In a bowl stir together the ingredients, gradually the mix will thicken. You can also leave to soak overnight. Give it a good stir though as the chia seeds thicken and stick together.
Serve with some mixed nuts and seeds. ( you may need to add some extra coconut milk prior to serving )
Other great sources of Omega · are organic or free range eggs.