Starting the year with the contract of a lifetime!

Written by Jens Oomes

Written by Jens Oomes

First off, The Islander team and myself wish all our readers an exciting yet peaceful, prosperous yet stress-free 2025! 

While you are reading this Jan/Feb issue, I am in the mobile Islander headquarters, sailing somewhere between the Balearics and the Caribbean with my family. 

Apart from The Islander Magazine I also own and run Invisible Crew. Since 2011 we offer worry free ownership to owners of luxury yachts between 50 and 100ft by preventing and solving all associated issues. A recently acquired client needed to have his 20 meter catamaran delivered from Palma to Fiji. This posed the opportunity to do the delivery myself… with my family!!! What an opportunity to show our kids many of the incredible places that are often reserved to only yacht owners and professional crew! 

Having always valued my geographic freedom I run both businesses from my phone and laptop and with the invaluable help of my assistant Marlot. With Starlink providing a continuous internet connection even when offshore, no compromises have to be made towards any of my clients. Our 9 year old daughter and 11 year old son will finish the last 4 months of the schoolyear being homeschooled with the full support of their school. So there was nothing stopping us!

Our monthly network events continue as usual and Marlot Cathalina will be your host supported by Natalie Tempelers. Ideas about a (first of many to come?) Islander Network and Inspiration Party (INIP) in St Maarten are already circulating as well! 

We will write about our progress here in The Islander. So those who are interested will be able to follow our 5 month journey along this route which many of our professional yachting readers are very familiar with. 

Sometimes life brings incredible and surprising opportunities. The art is to spot them and react to them.



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