Marpower eXperience: enhancing superyacht technology with innovation and expertise

Creating exceptional experiences

In this article, we would like to introduce to you the Marpower eXperience and discuss certain topics and technology that is normal in superyacht builds and operations.

Marpower eXperience is a well-known technology supplier, part of the Eekels Technology group. The company is specialized in the delivery of entertainment, lighting, communication, and security systems. The eXperience IT system facilitates all the other systems, because everything runs over the IP highway these days.

Marpower eXperience has delivered yachts in a combined length of more than 13 km. Since 1965, more than 430 projects, including new build, refits, and many other installations. The company has existed for more than 110 years; part of the company is the former AdK, also known as De Keijzer Engineering.

Marpower eXperience is passionate about creating exceptional experiences for their clients. That’s their starting point with the relationship with their clients, from design to maintenance & support. A holistic approach and a solid relation with all stakeholders, builders, and crew.

This is achieved using the best possible products and systems, highly qualified professionals, and ISO certified processes… and Passion! That is reflected in Marpower eXperience lighting, control, audio-video, IT, security, and communication systems.

From design to installation to maintenance: one design, one exceptional experience.

The key is designing a system that exceeds expectations. For every mood the best ambience is created, envisioned through a perfect setup and configuration.

These solutions need to meet the demanding design rules of yachting and saving energy, saving weight and space by using the latest proven technology, systems and products. This is achieved by knowing how the yacht and its systems and products will be utilized. Yachting clients need insurance on reliability in combination with flexibility and high-performance. And a maximum doses of comfort and luxury.

Sound & vision at its best

Whether you want to watch an immersive 8k movie or listen to a radio station, everywhere and any time on your yacht, it can be realized. On an iPad or on a movie screen. In a suite, a shower or outside on deck. An old Hollywood classic or the latest blockbuster. A classical composition or a dance hit. The proposition of Marpower eXperience has no limitations. They are used to be challenged by their client.

The beauty of light, ambiance & atmosphere

Light is used to set the mood right. Light design in combination with the interior and exterior of a yacht provide the exceptional experience one is looking for on a yacht. Yachting guests have the feeling they are in a special environment, that they are living a unique eXperience.

Guests are always connected!

Unrestricted access. Achieving the same level of connectivity on water as on land.
High-speed data connection and clear and crisp communication on the phone with voice and image, as you are used to! The possibilities to communicate and to be connected to the internet are the same as on land and are giving guests of a yacht the opportunity to be entertained and communicate and do business as usual. You step on board and nothing changes, it only gets better.

Intuitive control: a simple touch. That’s all.

Select your song, film, series or radio station. Broadcast your playlist on the yacht’s system with one touch. That’s what we are talking about. You don’t need help of the crew to have fun. It is all intuitive. Just press play!

You are in a 7-star hotel on water. Magic is going one and the nice thing is most of the time you do not even realize this. You just enjoy!

And in the worst-case scenario, help is just one touch away.

Where it all happens: information technology

The eXperience backbone in a few words: Essentials, Secured, Solid, and Fast! You need highbandwidth components in a redundant infrastructure and network for this. Wired and wireless. Marpower’s system is modular and for every client they have a solution in place. The IT system is so important that Marpower eXperience offers management tools and supports you, just to keep you operational and always up-to-date!

Feel safe, comfortable and relax

Before you can enjoy yourself, you have to feel safe. This is also provided by Marpower eXperience. It’s a total solution. Client’s safety is the highest priority of the Marpower eXperience security solution.

Creating experiences: synergy between people, technology and processes

Marpower experience’s structure is a symbiosis between three aspects. Strengthen each other in every aspect of the yachting life. Either building a yacht, maintaining and refitting a yacht, they have this incorporated in their organization and offer their clients a 360 degrees service. In every phase the right professional and the right solution are at your service!



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