by Natalie | Dec 19, 2022 | Crew Life-1
This year, as the Mediterranean season drew to a close, the yachting industry gathered in the October Mallorca sunshine for a week of networking, events, fun and raising money for many worthwhile causes. Here’s a round up of 3 more events that were attended by...
by Natalie | Apr 12, 2022 | Daily News, Islander Life 1
Saturday 23rd April, to support men’s wellbeing here in Mallorca. The idea behind the event was to encourage men to talk about real-life issues that they may be facing and by centering it around a football match, we felt it would be a more natural environment for men...
by Natalie | Jun 21, 2021 | Features, Islander Life 1
The Final Frontier Challenge In a year of lockdowns and restrictions many of us have rediscovered the joy of being outdoors and walking, hiking, running or cycling. Here on Mallorca we are spoiled for choice as to where to go, and blessed with stunning country side,...