Virtual Vendée Globe winner declared

The virtual version of the Vendée Globe, held on the digital sailing platform Virtual Regatta, was officially won January 16 at 11:18am. Much like the ongoing real-life race, it was an incredibly close-fought affair, with a mere one minute and 35 seconds separating...

Prada Cup pairings unveiled

After over three years of waiting, the wins, the loses and the points will really start to count. The PRADA Cup is set to start on January 15 with the three Challengers competing to qualify to race against the America’s Cup Defender Emirates Team New...

The Evolution of Sailboat Coaching

Over the past six months, the landscape of both professional sailing and coaching has changed significantly. Most people haven’t been able to get out racing as much and very few events have even been happening, but what hasn’t changed is peoples thirst for...