Nerve Root Entrapment

The spine is made up of 32 vertebrae, each one articulating with the one above and the one below. The Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar and Sacral vertebrae all have slightly different angulations of attachment to their above and below vertebrae according to their functional...

Get to know your medical kit

Part 1: Trauma response and splinting items As part of a medical kit there are a number of equipment items to manage trauma injuries of breaks, fractures and strains. Here is a rundown of standard items that you should be familiar with. Sam splint The SAM (structural...

Life After Covid – Return to the Yoga studio

Top tips to protect yourself when returning to the yoga studio. Whilst Covid is still very much prevalent globally we are all finding our way to adjust to the new normal.  There is no denying that zoom and online has been our savour, as it has been for most...


In more than 95% of mariners, seasickness can be prevented or treated effectively.  The old ‘sealegs’ usually steady to the ships rhythm within 72 hrs.  However, it can be incapacitating and dangerous to the point of impairing ability to run the ship, if not assessed...

Fitness tips & Techniques with BT23 Fitness

Welcome back to another session from BT23 Fitness, in this months issue we will be doing a full body session, all of the exercises this month can be done using just bodyweight, if you feel the need to make the   exercises harder then you can add some weight if you...