The ship’s journal from the Delivery from Mallorca to Fiji
Update 28/02/25 01:30 GMT-4 middle of the Caribbean Sea.
Maybe this video conveys what is going on here, but I doubt it. Somebody asked me before this trip, “What do you look forward to the most.” My answer was: “The times when the boat is well balanced and everything is working fine.” On this night watch I am experiencing what I would categorise as near perfection… Under a million stars we are floating on a sea with a wave sequence that is 99% in sync with our amazing 10,knot speed. The stern and the bow take turns rising and falling to a rythm comparable to the chest motion of a fully relaxed person. The rushing sound of our wake is constant. What’s more is that the tension on the halyard and the sheet, the lines that control the only sail we are flying is low. There is hardly any stress on our rigging and hull right now. My kids and my crew are asleep. This is the magic carpet ride I”m out here for.