New Year – New Start

January always feels like a clean start, a chance to reflect on the year just gone and a blank slate for the year ahead. From an environmental point of view the message for this year is clear – Take Action and Take  it NOW.

The  situation we are in can feel overwhelming. The evidence of climate crisis and out of control plastic pollution is alarming.  According to the World Health Organisation, this year in  Europe “we have witnessed an escalation of heatwaves, droughts and wildfires, all of which have impacted the health of our people”  and “The world is producing twice as much plastic waste as two decades ago, with the bulk of it ending up in landfill, incinerated or leaking into the environment, and only 9% successfully recycled” according to a new OECD report.

To kick off this new year I want to implore you all to make any change you can to help reduce your yacht’s impact on the planet. Here are  8 suggestions on how you can reduce waste and plastic use onboard, whether you are a 60+ metre or a smaller sail yacht. Trying to do the right thing can get complicated and confusing,  and often we are hit with overload and follow with inaction. This January I would encourage you to pick at least  one thing from the list below so you can start somewhere. There really is something that everyone can do!

“ The biggest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else  will save it”

  1. REFUSE – From excess packaging to unnecessary freebies just start saying NO  When working onboard a yacht you hold a position of power. There are many suppliers competing for your business and you can tell them what you want. Start talking to companies you are ordering from and explaining that you are a plastic free boat and so want to check your deliveries are received plastic free. If you are being offered plastic freebies at boat shows etc politely decline and explain why. Companies produce things that they think customers want – if we start explaining why you don’t want them this can spark a change.
  2. REDUCE – Overconsumption is harming our planet. When purchasing items, both for the boat and for personal use the questions “Do I need it ?; Will I use It? “ From the cleaning cupboard to the back of the bilge there are bottles of unnecessary product and boxes of unused uniform. Have a clear out and an organize and then simplify – do you really need a different cleaning product for each surface? If you know your owner likes to change uniform regularly then don’t over  If you are near suppliers then don’t over order “just in case”
  3. REUSE and RECYCLE– Start getting creative and pass on and reuse items from guest areas for crew use. Donate items no longer needed to charities like Yachting Gives Back, in Mallorca. Ensure that you have a system onboard for recycling so that you can adapt it to the local requirements and make use of facilities where you can.
  4. BUY in BULK– If you have the space (and you don’t need much!) Introducing a Refill Station system onboard can save a huge amount of plastic waste. It is possible to reduce waste enormously this way, as well as saving you money, time and unnecessary shopping trips.
  5. BUY CONCENTRATED – With the advent of concentrated cleaners and toiletries in eco-friendly packaging there is no excuse for even the smallest yacht to not make a change. This is amazingly effective without plastic waste and reduced shipping costs. This is the future.
  6. SWAP out single use plastics – Make a list of the ‘disposable’ plastic items you have onboard and one by one replace them with an alternative. From cotton buds to cutlery, tampons to sponges – EVERYTHING that is made from plastic has a more sustainable alternative. A good rule of thumb is to look for a replacement that is reusable  or made from Natural materials such as  loofah sponges, 100% cotton tampons, bamboo cotton buds)
  7. CHOOSE ethical companies – Simple things like switching your Google search to ECOSIA who plant trees for every search can really make an impact. A good guideline is to look for “1% to the planet” labels or companies registered as B Corp.  Smaller companies are often also doing lots but cannot afford the accreditation but a few minutes of research can help your decision.
  8. YARD and Engineering Retrofits – Some yachts and crews are already flying through the list above; ( I know of 2 boats that produce nearly NO plastic waste) and when you have changed as much as you can alone it is time to call in the big guns. If your captain, engineer, or  owners are also keen to implement change there are other things you can do when in the yard. Installing water filtration systems can not only save money but also increase water quality and be more efficient. Ditch the nasty coffee pods that slowly produce cold cups of mediocre coffee and replace with bean to cup Machines or barista versions. A better coffee experience for everyone with the benefit of purchasing beans in different locations and saving money! If you are installing new washing machines look  for ones built with microplastic filters or you can  retrofit these onto your existing machines.

I would love to hear what you and your crew are doing (or planning to do) onboard to fight back against climate change and plastic pollution. Please get in touch if you would like help implementing change or new systems or would like any recommendations.



+34 634 326 981

Hannah is an ex-stewardess who now runs Viveco and Viveco Yachts, an Eco Yacht, Hotel and Home supply shop in Mallorca.

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