Palma International Boat Show 2022

Palma International Boat Show 2022

The 2022 Palma International Boat Show (PIBS 2022) has made a strong comeback after the Covid pandemic period and a number of exhibitors we spoke to described it as being the best show ever. It must surely rank as one of THE top Boatshows in Europe, if not the world. This is especially true if Sailing yachts on display is your yardstick. It was probably the finest array of Sailing Superyachts seen anywhere on the planet, including Rainbow, a majestic J Class yacht.

There was a reported attendance of 32,000 , many making the trip from other European countries. This figure is unaudited, which I find frustrating, and especially for exhibitors who need to look carefully at how they spend their marketing budget. In my humble opinion, the show should join the IFBSO, (International Federation of Boat Show Organisers) which is a worldwide organisation of Boat Show organisers, and one where all its member’s shows are officially audited. This would also mean that the show would mean a much wider international recognition and thereby attracting a much wider press coverage, which in turn leads to better attendances, therefore satisfying exhibitors aims. Whilst there would be a cost to this membership, I believe that this cost could easily be recouped by extra ticket sales, and less free tickets being handed out. Currently the following Boat Shows are members of IFBSO : Dusseldorf, Southampton, Barcelona, Genoa, Sydney, Stockholm, Helsinki plus many many more.

Palma International Boat Show 2022

Many exhibitors said that they had achieved significant sales at the show or that they had strong leads to follow up on after the show. Several boat brands said that sea trials had been arranged for the coming days.

One aspect that was highly-valued by both exhibitors and visitors was the show’s balanced offerings, with a representative sample of the full ranges of boats and all the equipment and accessories that go with them for visitors to view. The Superyacht Village was well represented by a cross section of brokers, refit companies, service providers and sailmakers, and there was a positive vibe throughout the exhibitors.

Palma International Boat Show 2022

Roger Horner, Group Managing Director of e3 Systems commented:

“What can I say? The Show was fantastic!  There was a buzz in the air on set-up day that lasted every day of the Show.  There were a lot of visitors, friends, and industry colleagues, new and old, from far and wide.  I must be honest and say that we exhibited primarily to support our home base, not having had a booth in 2021.  We had become cynical of boat shows, especially after the disastrous turnout at the MYBA Show earlier in the week, so we were astonished that we conducted a considerable amount of B2C and B2B business during the Show, even on the graveyard watch on Sunday afternoon. It helped considerably that the weather was perfect for Palma with sun, blue sky, and a gentle breeze. Well done to the organisers! Viva Palma!”

Steen Christensen from Fraser Yachts had a different perspective:

 “The show was good overall with a very good selection of premium Super sailing yachts and several smaller (less than 30 m) motor yachts which is insufficient but also a reflection of the availability in the current market. Excellent with the 4 day show and had some good clients and leads but still far below expected activity which was obvious throughout the Super Yacht Village as mainly B to B activity and quite disappointing considering that all North Europe have not had a single yacht show in 2022 so would have been logical for Buyers to attend the Palma Show. However with the organiser’s very limited international advertising and mostly only in the local press and road advertising (??) the “international” Palma Boat show remains local, not event national with many missed opportunities in the most buoyant market in recent history. Had foreign yacht owners who did not even know the show was happening!” Considering that 85% of the yachts in the Super Yacht Show were sailing yachts which we know is only 8% of the pre-owned sales market so leaves little interest for the 92% of buyers to catch interest and this MUST change if the show shall become a success.”

Patrick Reynés – CEO IPM Group

“We can say that this nautical show usually marks the start of the summer season and allows us to anticipate how it will be. This edition of the Palma Superyacht Village has been very positive, and we have been very pleasantly surprised in terms of the quantity and quality of visitors and exhibitors, which has been the best so far.

Our IPM Group booth offered a relaxed space to meet again with captains and crew, and receive people interested in mooring or repairing in our facilities.

In general, we have perceived a lot of desire to sail, it has been a very productive show in all senses.”

The organisers said: “In fact, it has been an edition marked by the presentation of new products from around the world, both boats and products and nautical equipment. In addition, it should be remembered that 28% of the exhibitors are companies that have participated for the first time in the fair, which has increased the variety of the offer.”

Palma International Boat Show 2022

Part of the growing status of PIBS is that it was also visited by consular members from New Zealand, Austria and the UK. In addition, the organisers will continue to support local companies, which represent 54% of the participants, as demonstrated by actions such as the agreement signed with the Association of Nautical Companies (AENIB) to promote the participation of their members in the Palma show.

During the four days, over 2,200 people worked at the show, including exhibitors and crew. In addition, some 350 Spanish and international journalists were accredited for PIBS 2022. There were 276 exhibitors, 49 more than last year, which represents an increase of 18% over 2021. Some 264 boats were on the water.

The marine industry is one of the sectors considered strategic by the government as it generates more than 4,500 direct jobs, is made up of some 650 companies and generates around €840m a year.



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