Pan de Mar – What’s new in the first social bakery in Mallorca?
We wrote about Pan de Mar, the first social bakery on the island, at the beginning of summer, when they just opened. They “make fresh delicious artisan bread and give it to people who don’t have food, including those who lost their jobs due to the measures implemented in relation to COVID-19”. They also “offer people work, taking them out of the unemployment queue”. Since the opening they have received many generous donations and expanded their product range, but there is still a long way to go as, despite COVID-related restrictions easing up in the recent months, there are still many people in desperate need of food and jobs.
So, I caught up with the team once again to find out what is new and how The Islander community can help them further.
I interrupted Florencia, the new pastry chef, in making something seemingly super delicious with dulce de leche to find out a bit more about her and the cakes she makes. Originally from Patagonia in Argentina, Maria Florencia Pascale Ghglia has been here for four years and had worked as a pastry chef for a year and a half before COVID situation made her job redundant. As Pan de Mar was expanding, she jumped at the opportunity to join the team and has been making their cakes ever since. Although she is not a pastry chef by trade, she has been making cakes with her mum since she can remember and also completed some short courses to fine tune her cake making techniques. On the day we spoke I tried her cheesecake with forest fruit. It was so rich and creamy that I could only finish about one third of the generous slice, but the leftovers were even more appreciated the next day.
Aside from the cheesecake, Florencia makes fruit tarts with patisserie cream, lemon pies, a famous Argentinian cake with dulce de leche and coconut, some sugar free vegan donuts, which are often sold as soon as they are made etc. As much as she loves sweets, Florencia is pretty health conscious and is trying to replace sugar in her cakes by using dates wherever possible. She is open to making cakes to order as well. I am already a huge fan of Pan de Mar´s brownie and so I loved Florencia´s take on it, adding a layer of dulce de leche and sculpted meringue on top. If you have not been to Pan de Mar already, please go and try some of these cakes. I promise you will be back sooner than you think!
Alexis, the resident baker and one of the founders of the project, joined in the conversation to share some interesting news in their bread and pastries section. They are now offering “bread tastings” every Wednesday and Friday morning and so far this has been a great success. People come to try bread and get interested in the whole social aspect of the project. Every Friday they offer spelt bread. They are also making some great traditional baguettes (daily) and, like several other people I have interviewed for this column, only half-jokingly claim that theirs are the best in town! In terms of breakfast pastries, Alexis is making croissants and pain au chocolat regularly, but is planning to add pain aux raisins on Saturdays.
Finally, I had a quick chat with Jeroen, another one of the founders. He told me that pan de Mar received some great publicity from the local press and they are really grateful for that. They have expanded, started baking and selling more, but with the current crew they are still not breaking even, so any further donations would be gratefully received. These donations would mean that they can expand further, maybe even into other premises, and thus employ more people in need of jobs.
Some of their immediate needs include another baker (at least so that Alexis can have a break!). So, if you are reading this, if you are free for the winter and fancy yourself as a bread maker for a good cause, please reach out to Jeroen. Next, they are looking for more points of sale, local business, schools etc. So, if you are running a business where you need bread daily, try Pan de Mar´s bread and see if you can collaborate. They also make some great sandwiches, so you can order a lunch pack containing for example a sandwich, a cookie and a bottle of water or a soft drink for about 10 euros to be delivered to your crew house or your boat. Speaking of deliveries, if anyone has a delivery bike that they don’t use – Jeroen and the team would be extremely grateful for a donation of that too.
I´d better sign off before this column turns into a Christmas wish list, but please keep these great guys in mind if there is anything you can offer them. Meanwhile, enjoy their delicious breads, cakes and sandwiches safe in the knowledge that every cent you spend on your treats goes to a good cause.
Till next month…
Yours sweetly,
Mia x
If you would like to sponsor Pan de Mar´s noble cause with any amount, big or small, their IBAN is: ES67 0049 0289 7420 1009 6091. For larger donations they can arrange tax certificates (for tax reductions).
Coffee: Alessandro of Mama Carmen´s fame opened his third café – Nano coffee lab – at C/ de Can Asprer no.2, just off Jaume lll. In this cool new space the focus is on specialty coffee, but some of the favourite snacks from the other two cafes are also available. You will be seeing me here quite regularly! (IG @nano.coffeelab)
Chocolate: I attended an interesting talk by Tino Wolter from Cachao, organised by Yellow Talks (Charlas de Bar,) at Arumi sake Bar. Tino told us how he makes raw, organic, chocolate, with no refined sugar and we got to taste some samples. I particularly loved “lavander and apricot”! Look out for his Christmas chocolates with cardamom, cinnamon etc.! (IG @cachao-chocolate, @charlasdebar)
Cava: My new favourite spot for a glass of cava at the end of a long day is the 8th floor bar at Nakar Hotel on Jaume lll. It is a great spot to relax and watch Palma´s colourful rooftops, including an unobstructed view of the magnificent La Seu cathedral. (IG @nakarhotel)
Pan de Mar
C/ Ample de la Mercè 26, Palma
Tel: 971 29 91 79
Instagram: @pandemar.mallorca
Open: daily, ex. Sunday
Delivery to yachts available on request.
Article and photos: Mia Naprta
Instagram: @mianaprta