COVID – 19 UK Ports Update

The current situation in the UK ports is as follows;

All ports are open as these are an essential means of bringing goods, medical supplies and equipment into the UK. Passenger vessels are operating very limited services and all travel classed as “non essential” or “leisure” is currently prohibited.

Can Superyachts Still visit the UK?

Superyachts can still come to the UK as a destination and will be allowed to enter UK ports as long as they meet the following requirements:

A berth is booked in advance

No passengers/ guests on board

A Declaration of Health has been submitted to port health by your agent prior to arrival.

No crew are showing signs or symptoms of COVID-19

UK cruising will obviously be off limits until the current containment measures and travel restrictions are relaxed.

Various UK ports are currently an option for Superyachts  to use as a “safe berth” and there are a number of Non – City Centre Ports with berths available.

Please contact us before making plans so we can discuss your options in detail.


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