Christmas is upon us-large portions of rich foods, the season to stuff ourselves silly.Overeating besides giving us a Santa paunch- has some other more dangerous side effects.
-increasing blood insulin
-decrease in fat burning
-increasing fat storage
-increase in blood pressure
-changes in blood flow allowing blood to clot more easily (increased risk of heart attack!)
-increased risk of gallstones
But hey I’m not about to be the killjoy, its inevitable that most of us will overstuff ourselves at some point over the festive period so what steps can we take to try not to pack on the pounds ?
The quick fix exercise sandwich:
A pre- meal workout session and or a post meal exercise session help to increase fat oxidization (burning fat) and metabolic rate.
So not only do you burn calories to allow for your meal but you can also burn off some calories from the meal
( using the sandwich workout).
Exercising after eating also helps to lessen the glycemic load of the meal .
For example prior to eating a brisk walk on an empty stomach or quick jog- if your stuck on the boat then 1 minute of jumping jacks and a set of at least 20 of the following multi-joint exercises: push ups , lunges, curl ups and burpees. (one round of this will take you about 15 minutes, if you have time repeat. Following the feast perform 40 body weight squats (don’t think we are going to want to do any jumping around after all that turkey dinner!!)
Tip try to do full body exercises or exercises that use as many muscle groups as possible.
Roast some sweet potato’s instead of regular potato’s. Packed with nutrients including high in antioxidants , vitamin A and fiber, they are also good for blood glucose levels believe it or not and have antibacterial fungi properties.
Roast in some coconut oil, clarified butter or duck fat. Add some freshly ground sea salt.
Gently simmer 4 cups of water or homemade stock in a pan , add some bay leaves, sea salt and pepper and chopped fresh Sage, add quinoa (2 cups) reduce heat cover and continue to lightly simmer for 20 minutes until quinoa has absorbs all the liquid, remove from heat.
Mean while in another pan gently braise some chopped onion ( ½ large onion) with some freshly baked chestnuts- ½ cup, finely chopped and 2 garlic cloves. Mix everything together and drizzle with either 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, kerrigold butter or extra virgin olive oil.
Cover the Turkey in good quality bacon to give it added flavour and keep the moisture in- remove around 30 minutes after cooking and store seperatly to avoid burning the bacon.
INTERESTED IN WORKOUTS YOU CAN DO ABOARD THE BOAT? JOIN MY MAILING LIST WWW.KATIEHANDYSIDE.COM OR INFO@KATIEHANDYSIDE.COM- just because your at sea or working in a confined space you can still keep fit – follow me for some fat burning, easy to follow workouts for small spaces.