“Prior to becoming a member of a TCC tribe, I was in quite a strange place for me, for the first time in my career, I hadn’t been working for a while. I was finding it hard to figure out the next steps and essentially find the best way to move forward. The membership has really helped me with all of that – breaking down different areas that I want to work on and helping me to make commitments to myself, as well as others. One part of the membership that was really beneficial to me was the worksheet task around discovering your ‘Bright Identity’. It was a completely new concept to me. I really liked it because the questions were quite powerful in terms of setting the scene, like where you are now, and then thinking about where you want to get to. In particular some of the questions were around fulfilment, and that was something that I hadn’t really considered in a big way before, I would recommend this amazing membership to anyone connected to the industry, who is looking to develop, build connections and contribute to the amazing community. It’s particularly beneficial to those working in yachting, all of the other members either have worked in the industry before, or are still currently so I think we can really understand and relate to each other and provide support in so many different areas.”
Rosie, a TCC Tribe member, refers to her personal development to what we call in TCC Tribe your Bright Identity. Your bright identity is a version of you that you are proud of, it is a feeling of inner fulfilment and confidence with where you are at in your life right now. It is the relationship you share with yourself and others, which we all know is subject to change depending on our life events. Hence developing your Bright Identity is a continuous work in progress.
The reason why we look at our Bright Identity in the membership is that we will be doing ourselves a disservice if we go through life, not thinking about what we really want and what really creates a sense of happiness and fulfilment in our lives.
What makes growth possible is establishing where you are at now in your life and where you want to be.
It is about creating a vision for yourself and your future and creating a DEEP
connection to what you really want. In addition to that, it is about discovering your strengths, values and areas for improvement so that you can build a personal brand that you are proud of.
The first place to start when building your Bright Identity is to cast your vision and build your road map to where you want to be. Many people think that visions are for large corporations such as Google or multi-millionaires who have the resources to create extravagant dreams but this isn’t the case. We all need a vision to subscribe to so we can channel our efforts in a focused way.
You may notice when designing your vision some negative thoughts may pop up, like “I won’t be able to achieve that,” “you don’t deserve it”, “ You are not good enough”, or “what if you fail”. I want you to write these thoughts down on a separate piece of paper, these are what we call your limiting beliefs. Your limiting beliefs can prevent you from getting to where you want to be if you don’t address them.
So let’s think about your vision. What’s important when creating a vision is that it is specific to YOU and what YOU want. No one else. There’s a saying that “clarity leads to power” — the clearer we are about what we want, the more powerful our vision is. Here are some guiding questions to get you started…
- When do you feel most excited/happy or confident?
- What is keeping you up at night? What frustrates you right now, what are your fears or challenges/ where do you feel stuck? or What feels hard and heavy for you?
- If you could wave a magic wand and remove any life worries how would life be different?
- What are five to ten things you enjoy doing the most?
- What can’t you live without?
- What are you naturally good at?
- If this was your last day on earth, what would you regret not doing, seeing, or creating?
- Think about the best version of yourself (your bright Identity) What would that look like? What would you be doing and feeling?
Once you have answered these questions you are welcome to email them to me at karine@thecrewcoach.com and I can help you consolidate your answers into a vision
A little about the membership ….
Yachting can be quite isolating at times, especially if you’re on a yacht where you feel like you don’t relate to your peers. As we’re in a demanding industry that requires us to make sacrifices and to put our own needs aside, we may tend to neglect our personal dreams and goals. As a result, you may struggle with self-doubt, procrastination and a lack of clarity, which affects your general quality of life, career progression and even your health and relationships.
This membership is about rediscovering you, realigning yourself to your strengths and values and reclaiming that sense of purpose and joy. And if you’re a superyacht crew member who is learning about self-care, this subscription is definitely for you! Importantly, the membership will provide you with the opportunity to develop meaningful relationships with fellow “yachties” who share similar values and interests so that you no longer feel that you’re “in this boat” alone.
Imagine a life in which you enjoy good health and better relationships; a life where you feel in control of your decisions and your ability to succeed! Join us and get support in reaching your true potential!