Out & About in Mallorca

A Seasonal Indoors Market by UCO Bakery. If you have ever bought bread from UCO Bakery, you know that they are much more than just a bakery making sourdough and mixing it with interesting and innovative ingredients, such as figs, carob and a lot more. In their own...

Out & About in Mallorca

Marieke Tollenaere (Rikki): sea themed fine art and abstract paintings  Some time ago I posted on my Facebook looking for interesting artists and crafts people I should talk to for this column. Several people mentioned Rikki. Marieke Tollenaere, known as Rikki, is a...

SWEET TREATS: Rosevelvet Bakery

Rosevelvet Bakery  – Inspired by New York cake and breakfast scene Following on from an unplanned four month break, I finally returned to our precious island at the end of March. I could not wait to catch up with everything that was new in Palma´s world of...

Coffee & Cake – Pan de Mar

Pan de Mar – What’s new in the first social bakery in Mallorca? We wrote about Pan de Mar, the first social bakery on the island, at the beginning of summer, when they just opened. They “make fresh delicious artisan bread and give it to people who don’t...