Creating A Fairer Society

A new generational contract is needed to tackle the big challenges faced by Britain’s young and old, according to a leading think tank. The principle that different generations will provide support to each other at different stages of their lives underpins not just...

Urban Rebirth

It’s been coming for a while now, but the long slow decline of the traditional high street seems to have shifted up a gear in 2018 and there is very little on the horizon to suggest there is a reverse option. Bricks and mortar retailers large and small have enjoyed...

Nationality Of A Vessel: Flag State

The nationality of a vessel is a technic to assign any ship or  vessel to a certain national legal statute or jurisdiction of a concrete state under whose laws the vessel is registered or licensed. Ships have the nationality of the State whose flag they are entitled...

Stress Management

How can employers play a greater role in supporting the mental health of their employees? The focus for Mental Health Awareness Week is stress. The campaign aims to understand how many of us are living with high levels of stress and what the triggers are. Research by...

Introducing the ‘Carbon Bubble’

I’ll start with a bit of good news for a change this month. A study released last month appears to add weight to the growing evidence that the end global reliance on oil and fossil fuels is on the horizon, and we are going to be there in a small handful of years....

VAT In The Acquisition Of Yachts In Spain

The purchase of a pleasure craft from a taxable person in terms of VAT – company or entrepreneurial – in Spain in principle obliges payment of the VAT at the general tax rate of 21%. We have to distinguish several cases. The seller is an individual not...