America’s Cup: Sharing the story


The America’s Cup is launching a tour in 2016 along the east coast and gulf coast of the US to engage the public about the storied history of the event and infuse a new level of excitement and involvement. Troy Sears will be taking the modern replica of the world’s most famous racing yacht, America, to communities for tours and presentations about the current state of America’s Cup racing. The 2016 tour is slated to extend from May to November.

Those interested in scheduling a visit are encouraged to contact

Additionally, Tucker Thompson, Host of the America’s Cup, is offering AC Presentations to Clubs across the country. The multi-media program includes an overview of the America’s Cup’s storied history including ORACLE TEAM USA’s dramatic comeback in San Francisco 2013, an update from the ongoing Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series, and an inside look at what to expect for the 35th America’s Cup in Bermuda.

Those interested in scheduling a visit are encouraged to contact

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