The Crew Coach and Interior Yacht Services join forces to provide a combined superyacht training solution
Luxury yacht crew performance and interior service training specialists, The Crew Coach (TCC) and Interior Yacht Services (IYS) have joined forces to provide superyachts with a combined training solution that helps crew reach the highest levels of professionalism, service, loyalty and dedication.
Founded by industry crew training experts Alison Rentoul and Peter Vogel, The Crew Coach and Interior Yacht Services both seek to ignite in crew the passion, motivation and enthusiasm required to bring guests the ultimate in yachting experiences, making their alliance a natural amalgamation with far-reaching benefits.
As one of the yachting industry’s leading providers of hospitality training, Interior Yacht Services bring absolute excellence in interior skills, giving this vital department the confidence and knowledge required to provide truly exemplary service for their guests throughout their entire stay onboard. Meanwhile The Crew Coach addresses overall operations by working with the whole crew to fine-tune team performance, streamline crew communication, reinforce strong leadership and increase individual crew members’ motivation and drive to exceed expectations in every way.
Alison Rentoul explains: “We are absolutely delighted to now be able to offer yacht owners and captains a fully integrated solution for the interior and whole team onboard that is guaranteed to bring about exemplary results. Interior Yacht Services are the best of the best, and this collaboration delivers outstanding overall crew performance across all departments, giving guests and owners the kind of 7 star experiences they expect at the very top of luxury hospitality.”
Peter Vogel agrees: “Collaborating with The Crew Coach brings an even greater depth to the work we do, allowing our training to extend to the entire yacht and giving our clients and crew all the professional and cutting edge tools and techniques they need to run a highly successful operation. We are thrilled to be joining forces with such a well respected and reputable company.”
IYS and TCC put their collaboration to the test with excellent results recently in Antibes, aboard 73m MY Odessa II during a 5 day interior training course. Feedback from the participants illustrated how valuable it was to combine IYS’s hospitality and service training with a 1 day TCC Crew Dynamics workshop.
Following are some excerpts from the rave reviews received after the training:
“Very productive team building and analysis. It was great to actually stop and think where exactly the team is and what we want to do to get to new heights, greater achievements and how we can improve as a team in general.” ~ Megan Downie
“All over a very good day. Makes me feel very passionate about what I do and what I want to change. Thank you!” ~ Jonna Eriksson
“Fantastic – loving the group sessions & tasks, good to share our thoughts as a team. Very uplifting and positive, loved it – I want more!” ~ Emma Windever
“Wish we had longer with you! A great team bonding experience. Alison you are incredible, keep doing what you are doing!” ~ Brittany Coates
The combined TCC and IYS onboard training packages are fully bespoke and designed to meet the specific requirements of each yacht they work with. Packages range from three to five days with the option of including yachting’s exclusive PYA recognized GUEST (Guidelines for Unified Excellence in Service Training) certificates and the UK’s ILM (Institute of Leadership & Management) Leadership Training certificates for participants as required.
For further information please contact
Alison Rentoul at The Crew Coach +33 493 581 408
Peter Vogel at Interior Yacht Services +31 646 081 660