With good initial interest and entries increasing, the Storm Trysail Club Chesapeake Station and Eastport YC are broadening the base of their 2015 edition of the Annapolis Fall Regatta. The three-day regatta held over Friday-Sunday, October 23-25, will feature not only competitive inshore races under one-design and handicap rating rules, and will offer a short distance race in the mid-Chesapeake region, but a new races will also be offered for competitors in the Chesapeake Racer Cruiser Association (CRCA).
“This class of boats are typically cruisers who occasionally race,” says Jay Tyson, an organizer assisting with scoring and handicapping for CRCA races. “This is a great time of year for sailing in the Chesapeake, and our group is excited to be part of this regatta for the first time.”
Besides being a circuit event for the C&C 30’s event features handicap racing in IRC and ORC Club and a new Performance Cruising class. The Annapolis Fall Regatta has also been chosen as part of the C&C 30 class circuit, and will have teams coming from throughout the US and overseas to compete in this highly-exciting new offshore keelboat one design class. To date there are seven teams entered from the US and the UK, with more expected soon.
Entries coming to race under handicaps will be scored in IRC or ORC Club, with the former attracting entries from the New England area, and the latter designed to accommodate local-based PHRF entries who want a system better suited to the event’s typical broad diversity in sailing conditions.
The latest high-tech race boat in the US, Austin and Gwen Fragomen’s all-carbon Botin 44 Interlodge, has been leading the competition in events in New England, including the Storm Trysail’s Block Island Race Week, and will be coming to race in the Chesapeake en route south to their winter circuit. Team manager Kris Matthews says “We really like Annapolis, and are excited to sail here once again after being away for a few years. We think this will be a well-run event, and great fun for our team.”
“We’re pleased with the solid interest we’ve had in this regatta, the facilities here are excellent for our out of town guests,” says Dick Neville, regatta chairman from the Storm Trysail Club. “We also look forward to getting more entries to commit to come out from our local fleet, and with Eastport YC now as a shore base we will have some fun social events. This feature is always popular this time of year as the days get short and the weather turns cool.”
For more information on entry and the Notice of Race, visit www.yachtscoring.com/emenu.cfm?eID=1448
– See more at: http://www.sailingscuttlebutt.com/2015/09/04/annapolis-fall-regatta-broadens-appeal-for-fall-sailing/#sthash.Rbn1TOEu.dpuf