Clean up yOUR world this March and happily ever after, anywhere, anytime with your own Dos Manos. Our pre-launch campaign is to find Mallorca´s 4 neediest coastal environments that require some tender loving care. Throughout February we will be asking YOU and your FAMILY and FRIENDS to post pictures to our Dos Manos Facebook page of any coastal areas around Mallorca that YOU would like to see cleaner than they are!
With the info everyone sends in February we will, at the end of the month, choose the 4 areas that need our Dos Manos the most and send our team of volunteers to hand out collection bags and help our new friends clean up yOUR world.
March is going to be a month long launch of Dos Manos, one Saturday for each of the 4 needy locations. You will need to keep up to date with locations on our Dos Manos Facebook page or email for details.
We invite you all to join us in an area close to you, bring your kids, bring your mum, bring your nana and your pop and your friends. This is really about our communities banding together to make our world a better place to live in and to give our kids a greener future! Awareness and education is the key and good education is hands on experience, learning through participation and action.
Saturday March 7th – Neediest location #1 from 1000- 1400
Saturday March 14th – Neediest location #2 from 1000 – 1400
Saturday March 21st – Neediest location #3 from 1000 – 1400
Saturday March 28th – Neediest location #4 from 1000 – 1400
Asociacion Ondine will be launching our Dos Manos project with three goals in mind.
First of all we want to encourage everyone to include a 30 minute clean-up in their day to day lives, which we have been doing pre-launch just to make sure it is as easy as we say it is, and guess what!? It really is easy and its also very satisfying to see what a difference you, your family and friends can make in such a short time with such little effort.
Our posse of Ondine Divers were in the water at Illetas beach before Christmas gaining experience without me to hold their hand. Bea, Naia, Jeremy and I on the beach supervising and we couldn’t believe the amount of rubbish on the beach, so with our own Dos Manos we gathered up the rubbish that was destined for the sea and cleaned up yOUR world. Super easy and super cool.
Our second goal is to promote re-usable items such as bags, drinking bottles and so many other things we simply use once and then throw away. Have a think about your daily routine and what items you could replace with re-usable ones and stop using throw away items. Water bottles, coffee cups, plastic bags, plastic cutlery & plates, unnecessary packaging from supermarkets, the list goes on and on and on and on…
Of course this is not going to happen over night, we may be dreamers here at Asociacion Ondine but we aren’t stupid! This is a huge process of changing people’s mindsets; yes yours and mine and everyone else that calls Mallorca home. I see it all the time in my own habits (which are definitely changing for the better) as well as during my daily life. A classic example was at a local market where I buy my vegie´s and carry them in my traditional Mallorquin super cool basket. I bought a bag of potatoes that were already in a mesh bag, the guy smiled as I gave him the money and then proceeded to put the mesh bag into a plastic bag.. No gracias, I don’t need a plastic bag to carry a bag, thanks! It’s the little things we do in our daily lives that create the world’s biggest problems, lets change what we do!
Dos Manos collection bags will be re-usable, meaning we encourage people to carry them in the car, on their bike in their back pack for that right moment when you are out and about and think to yourself…Man this beach is dirty, I’m going to take my Dos Manos and 30 minutes of my life to clean up yOUR world! Once you have collected the rubbish you can give the bag a rinse and wash and its ready for the next Dos Manos 30 minute session, easy!
Our third goal, which is a much longer-term goal, is to find out where all this plastic pollution is coming from and attempt to stop it at the source. This is the only real solution for the massive subject of marine pollution and a solution that will take a huge amount of work from all of us!
Something that will help us with this is the branding of plastic bottles and other discarded plastic pollutants, be it for company promotions or for product identity we can retrace the path the plastic pollution took and look for positive solutions with the original owners of these ugly and everlasting pollutants.
Part of the Dos Manos project includes an audit of the rubbish collected, we encourage anyone who is participating in Dos Manos to grab a data collection form and take the time to count and ID the pollutants collected. We have a general public easy to use form and a scientific form, which will be used internally here at Asociacion Ondine as well as within our Dos Manos Schools project which will be launched later this year! The schools project is something I am very passionate about and is a much larger job to put together than what we are launching in March. So stay tuned for more info on our Dos Manos Schools Initiative!
The data we collect will be stored in our own Dos Manos data base in the same format as the EU requires, this way we can share with government and EU bodies to assist in the bigger picture of plastic pollution right around the Mediterranean.
Together we can make a huge difference, but we must all be involved and all have the same goals.
Dos Manos, 30 minutes, anytime, anywhere clean up yOUR world.