Club de Mar have been fantastic and have given us a very nice deal for the Big Bottle of Wine Party so we are now all set for another fun party like last year.
LOCATION: Around the pool at the Club de Mar, ground floor
DATE AND TIME: 19.30 20th January 2015. San Sebastian night so you can continue on the Cathedral at midnight if you are up for it.
IN AID OF: Marine Inspirations. We are an initiative to get youngsters out sailing on super yachts. Many of you will have heard what we have achieved when we brought two 17 year old underprivileged maritime students from South Africa so sail in the Ibiza Rendezvous regatta in October, thus giving them valuable hands on seamanship experience. Attached article from the Islander magazine. Money raised will enable us to do similar endeavours this year.
See for more details.
FORMAT: Smart casual. Cost will be 35 euros per person (or more if you like!). The Club will be doing finger food as per the list below and they assure me that no one will go hungry or need to go out for dinner! White wine, beer and cocktails available from the cash bar if you do not want to drink the free red wine. We have the 15 litre bottle that we used last year that has been kindly refilled by Carlos Feliu of Can Feliu wines here in Mallorca. His wine is exceptional so you will not be disappointed. We will have live music supplied by Anthony Just.
AUCTION: We are looking for bric a brac or services, dockage or anything else to auction. We have already had a donation from Claire Matches which gave us the idea. Please contact me if you can help with something to auction. We will be sure to give you plenty of recognition, both on the night and on our website so a good chance for your company advertising.
Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.
Phil Wade
Now in Mallorca
Home: +34 971 73 75 59
Mobile: 693 821 526