Walk of the month December: Through the valley of Coma de Son Torella to Biniaraix

This spectacular and unforgettable linear walk has fantastic views all the way, and can be tackled from either end! Downhill is pretty easy with the added benefit of being able to enjoy the views ahead of you all the way. If you have bad knees though its best to approach it from the other direction and climb uphill.


On the downhill route, our starting point is just after the “Tunel de Monnàber”, which we walk alongside enjoying the open mountain scenery and following an easy track into a open rocky landscape and along and continuing up towards the coastal window “Portell de Sa Costa”. This is an excellent spot to see birds of prey – particularly the Black Vulture, which can often be seen circling overhead apart from the amazing view over Fornalutx, Port of Sòller and the sea.

A detour to the summit of L’Ofre, at just over 1,000 meters, is well worth the effort and a short scramble, for the spectacular 360º views from the top (calculate approximately another hour for going up and 45 minutes for coming down). From the top of L’Ofre you can see right over to the Bay of Palma, as well as the Bay of Alcudia and the east of the island. With binoculars you can even spot the Castle of Alaro perched at the top of the Puig d’Alaro!

Continuing on our route down into Sóller, we enter a stunning gorge, the Barranc de Biniaraix where we begin our spectacular and steep descent via an ancient cobbled pilgrim’s path.

The trail follows the torrent of Biniaraix, which makes its way beneath sheer cliffs and through idyllic, cool and shady terraces, down to Biniaraix and beyond. We eventually arrive at the pretty village of Binairaix, where we pass the old village washhouse on our way to a tiny bar where we can stop for a drink.

Please note that this hike forms part of Stage 4 of the GR221 or Dry Stone Route and in this context it is usually approached from Sóller to the reservoir and then on to the Tossals refuge to stay overnight.



Spectacular views from the Portell de Sa Costa, the top of L’Ofre, and as for the descent into the Sóller valley….


Facts about this walk:

• Area: North West.

• Length: 15km

• Walking Time: 5hrs (breaks not included).

• Ascent/descent: 100m/870m.

• Difficulty: Moderate.


Please contact us for more info and available walks!!

Tel: +34 699 906





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