The Islander recently went to find out a little more about Clinica Juaneda, the leading hospital chain in Mallorca and spoke to the head of the hospital, Dr Juan Algersuari, as there seems to be some confusión regarding private hospital care amongst the ex pat community and especially amongst yacht crew who are new to Mallorca.
1. How did Clinica Juaneda begin in Mallorca and why?
Clinica Juaneda was Founded by Dr. Onofre Juaneda, & now has a 126 year history in Mallorca. Its major expansión came with the mass tourism market providing a “Health for Tourisem” as well as the foreign residents on the Island, providing them with an extensive range of multi languagued interpetres.
2. How many hospitals do you have?
Jauneda has 5 hospitals. 3 in Mallorca. Policlinica Miramar, Cinica Juaneda, & Hospital Juaneda Muro. And 2 in Menorca, Ciutadella and Mahon.
3. Who can use the hospitals?
Anyone can benefit from our health service, we have agreements with all the major Insurance companies.
4. Do you cater for local people and tourists, including yacht crew?
One of our major objectives is always to gain the confidance of the foreign resident in Mallorca. Juaneda also has agreements with the German social health services. We attend many of the major cruise liners that arrive in our ports & from time to time gone out on the high sea to bring patients in. Equally any Yachts whose crew need assistance we will attend with our “Doctor on Board” campaign.
5. What are the costs if you do not have private insurance?
There is a multitude of prices we offer which are reflected in the treatment provided, however we are always prepared to study individual cases to arrange treatment. .
6. Do you have a private health insurance scheme or a recommended partner?
We pride ourselves at Juaneda in being able to offer a wide range of insurance cover reflecting our Price/quality for the patients. The result of this is that all the major
insurance providers now are happy to recommend our services, even in the áreas of treatment not covered by isurance like Cosmetic surgery.
7. What are the different health disciplines which you are able to cover ¿
Juaneda covers all áreas of medicine apart from complex transplants .
8. Are your hospitals able to deal with emergencies 24/7 all through the year ?
It is part of Spanish Law which we adhere to and are happy to do so.
9. Are all or most of your staff multilingual ?
Juaneda are proud to offer 24 hour cover in all the major languagues, which include English, German, Scandinavian, Russian, Italian, French. We have a call center open 24 hours 365 days of the week, we call it “Leading Care” with the Tel. no, 971 22.22.22. this is a real time center in which we can established via GPS location, previous treatments, prefered doctor. Foreign languague required. In 20 different languagues
10. Do you recruit your staff locally or from further afield?
Juaneda does not have an International structure at this moment in time, & so all of our staff are chosen from within the áreas we work.
11. Are you able to arrange Ambulance transport in the event of an emergency?
Just over a year ago we introduced ambulances, which has had a very positive effect to our response times, as well as using our doctors who are trained in the assistance of accidents on the road and harbours.
12. Do you have any plans to expand further afield?
In Mallorca we are putting the finishing agreements to a Hospital in Cala Millor & various others in urban áreas of the Island. We have a presence in the Canaries, Caribean, Mexico and the republic of Dominica, but only in activities outside hospital care, Pathology/diseases, & the handling of foodstuff within the hotel sector.
13. Do you have plans to develop any new services?
As we cover all the major disciplines, what we are currently structuring is a hierarchy incorporating Young doctors as the older ones retire, always ensuring that the Young doctors feel free in their profession, as we in JUANEDA want our doctors to feel at home.
14. What would your advice be to potential new clients, in terms of medical insurance?
When a client contracts an insurance, its fundamental to know what it covers and exclusions of that policy. So therefore we would ask them to ensure that they are well adviced, & in Mallorca there are many specilialist in this área. Also many clients will feel more comfortable and satisfied if they apply an insurance whre there is an element of refund in the scheme, they are slightly more expensive(rates very comparable with the rest of Europe) but clients that use that scheme tend to stick with it.