14th November is World Diabetes Day and throughout the month of November, everyone is encouraged to undertake activities to raise awareness of diabetes, the side effects and ways to prevent and treat it.
Specsavers Opticas have taken on the challenge and will be holding two free diabetes testing events in their Santa Ponça store on 15th and 22nd November, with the Calvia Lions. These tests are totally free of charge and can identify the signs of pre-diabetes and diabetes and allow people to seek the correct help before damage is done.
This is a very important message to convey, as diabetes is a condition with over 170 million sufferers worldwide and side effects including blindness, heart attack, kidney failure and even amputation if not identified and controlled. We hope you can share information about World Diabetes Day and the events taking part in Santa Ponça on your websites or social media before the event so as many people as possible can benefit.