So far so good with our progress here at Asociacion Ondine, its been a very positive month indeed!
I would like to welcome our latest GOLD member MY Vava and our latest SILVER member Deliciously Sorted Mallorca. I am humbled by the enthusiasm and passion the people involved share with us, simply amazing! As well as some very passionate young local yacht crew joining up as individual members, the O-Team is steadily growing with some very special people, yachts and businesses all sharing the same vision.
We have had various donations to the wish list, SY Aglaia very kindly donated a couple of laptops, MY Vava some underwater scooters which put a huge smile Biel´s face, our underwater restriction on distance has now been lifted! As well as ropes from MY Centro and printers from MY Callisto and Kay Newton plus some first aid supplies from SY Penelope. Awesome!
Our promotional team has also grown, Barbara from Ocean Independence has offered her skills and another very lovely lady Linda Jenkins has also offered her promotional skills.
So an absolutely massive welcome to everyone who has become part of this fish loving family!
It looks to me like Mallorca is calling for some serious change in relation to the health of the local marine environment, in my point of view this change is now happening.
The coming together of all likeminded people, yachts and businesses on this island within one organization will give us a huge ability to not only raise funds and goods to conduct research programs and conservation initiatives but what this will also do is give us the collective power to amplify our message and actually initiate change. Its very simple really, governments don’t make change, people make change. Hang on and enjoy the ride folks I think its going to be a great one!
On a dirty matter, its been a common subject discussed over the last few weeks with the aftermath of the TUI Half Marathon and Halloween. The Paseo Maritimo was covered in rubbish after both events, plastic, glass, discarded Halloween costumes all awaiting their life at sea! Many people have been complaining about TUI´s lack of responsibility when it comes to the clean up but I don’t think it’s as simple as that. If we see the same result from a fiesta then the problem is much larger than one organizations lack of organization. It seems to be a combination of lack of care from everyone involved.
Marine debris is a huge problem without adding event rubbish to the equation, this is very much unnecessary and a very avoidable issue and is something else we will be working towards solving. At the end of the day it really is our collective view on the environment that requires a little adjustment for these messy situations to be avoided.
I have asked TUI for a meeting with their environmental department boss but am still waiting their reply! TUI if you are reading this you have my contact details, I am sure together we can find some very positive solutions!
Finally folks, I would like to thank all the people I have met recently who have been following our articles here in the Islander, all feedback so far has been amazing, its great to get this feedback from people we have never met. All of us at Asociacion Ondine welcome any comments or criticisms so feel free to join us on our Facebook page and voice your opinion, otherwise you can send your thoughts through our contact form on our website.
I´m hoping I have some exciting news about our new applications and websites for the next issue but for now have a wonderful month, merry Christmas, happy new year, don’t drop ya litter, spread the good word and really appreciate what we have here in the middle of a decimated sea, our own little patch of marine paradise, which is also looking like its on the up!